Thursday, March 31, 2011

Vineyards in the winter

Vineyards in the winter. What a beautiful picture. Who would think that beauty can be found in that which is dry and mostly lifeless.

Even in our season of unfruitfulness God see's beauty. I have found that in those times when things are difficult God is still  busy creating something beautiful and when I look back after passing through a winter valley time, I can see the beauty and value in the picture that was being created. Truths deposited that I will never forget.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tossed like waves in the sea.

I love this photo of the waves crashing against the rocks on the shoreline at Hermanus. The power of the sea is so incredible. In the past month I saw the Tsunami in Japan wash away entire villages and yet we can look at a photo like this and see the beauty of a wave breaking with such power and majesty. How Amazing is that! God truly is an awesome artist.

The Bible talks about waves, it talks about double mindedness and compares the two to one another. Can you imagine this is what we are like when we are double minded. God spoke to me about setting my mind on His things and not wavering. Either you live and believe what He has said or you don't. You can't have both. God's Word is truth. Believe this truth, these principles and let everything else become faded and left behind as we make up our mind to do what He has said.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This is a panoramic view from a beach house that we recently had the opportunity to visit. This made me think about the fact that our God also has a panoramic view. He has a panoramic view of many things but have you ever thought of the fact that he has a panoramic view of your life. He knows the beginning and he knows the end and then he knows everything in between. He knows everything about you. There is nothing that you can hide from him. The Amazing thing is that he knows everything about you and that he still loves you, he has always loved you.