Thursday, April 7, 2011

River of life

The beautiful Breede river bringing life to the vegetation along its riverbank. Still so close to the river there is a tree trunk, lifeless, dried up and broken off from the parent tree. As I look at this picture I wonder how this tree could be so close to the river but yet die. Was the roots not deep enough? Maybe there was a strong wind during a storm that caused it do fall? Still it is surrounded by such beauty.

As I look at the scene before me I am reminded of the fact I should stay rooted in the fertile truths of God's Word while staying sensitive to the promptings of His Spirit. Is it possible that we can be so close to the Truth, even hear it, but yet not be rooted in and be nourished by it. Digging my roots deep down being grounded against the storms and onslaughts of life, this is where I long to be.

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