Monday, April 25, 2011


To me the story in this photo is all about contentment. Living in the moment. Being at rest with what has been and with what is to come. The next moment in time will take care of it self, but for now they can just rest and enjoy the here and now.

As I live day to day this gives me peace, knowing that God is faithful and that I can enjoy every moment of everyday with the knowledge that He will take care of the future.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Giant footprints in the sand

This weeks photo is a bit more on the lighter side. Giant footprints in the sand. Imagine that. Being at the right place, at the right time - for that specific moment in time rewarded me with these giant footprints in the sand. Not that it was really anything I did. We were just walking along the beach and there they were. I joked about it, we laughed and then we walked on. The next day when I walked past the same rocks the footprints were gone.

This makes me think of the importance of appreciating the little things in life. A pleasant moment often taken for granted and quickly forgotten. Yet it is often these little things that adds joy and colours in our life.

John 10:10 ".......I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

Friday, April 15, 2011

Hope paints a beautiful picture

Sometimes life can be complicated. Like a hosepipe , twisted and tangled just at that moment when it needs to be used. To then actually use it takes time and a lot of patience to  untie the knots. Complications and problems in life sometimes feels the same way. Trying to unravel these and get answers does not come quickly. I have found giving it to God is the only solution. After all He does invite us to cast all our anxieties on Him (1Pet 4:7). Trusting Him to bring the answer, clarity and peace.

As in this picture we sometimes feel that the sun is setting on my situation, there is no hope. The reality is He can make a beautiful picture out of our most difficult situations and bring solutions to our everyday challenges in life. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

River of life

The beautiful Breede river bringing life to the vegetation along its riverbank. Still so close to the river there is a tree trunk, lifeless, dried up and broken off from the parent tree. As I look at this picture I wonder how this tree could be so close to the river but yet die. Was the roots not deep enough? Maybe there was a strong wind during a storm that caused it do fall? Still it is surrounded by such beauty.

As I look at the scene before me I am reminded of the fact I should stay rooted in the fertile truths of God's Word while staying sensitive to the promptings of His Spirit. Is it possible that we can be so close to the Truth, even hear it, but yet not be rooted in and be nourished by it. Digging my roots deep down being grounded against the storms and onslaughts of life, this is where I long to be.

Still Waters

Psalm 23:2 "....He leads me beside the still and restful waters." (Amplified Bible). 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Walking on the clouds

Below this thick misty cloud lies the Breede river valley in all its splendour. Unseen until the moment that the mist disappears and the valley is revealed. The beautiful thick white clouds, deceptive to a certain degree to me, bringing one under the delusion that it is tangible and solid and that  I will actually be able to walk on it. Still I am mesmerised by the beauty of the picture and once again can only stand in awe of the beauty of Gods creation.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

If the earth was a painting canvas.....

God can take his brush and start to paint and the colors that end up on the canvas is absolutely breathtaking. This is what I think of when I look at this picture. It is there for a moment for us to appreciate and then it is gone. The colors so bright but soft as the morning breaks and a new day begins.

This is God's desire, to paint a beautiful picture with our live's. This is what he longs to do. Jerm 29:11 Says: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. May this be the start of a new day in your life where God can start to paint the picture that he has for you.